Your path to a portfolio career - becoming a Voyageur (The E-X-P-L-O-R-E-R plan)
Key takeaway:
Your professional world is bigger than you think it is. Even if you work in a “corporate” role, or if you’ve sworn off working for someone else, or if you’re forced to make it on your own - we’re going to teach you the foundation of something much better. We’re going to teach you how to be your own guide on a professional journey that you discover. We’re going to teach you to be a Voyageur. To do that, we need to change your mindset. In our business lives, we were taught to be “good leaders” or “loyal followers”. That is a limiting, finite mindset. Your new mindset: EXPLORER.
Rules of the Trail:
E Engage your mind. This is the first priority, always. It includes Infinite mindsets and mental health.
X Expand your network. Other people are the key to your independent career success.
P Portfolio. This is where we translate your mindset and network into dollars and cents.
L Learn. When you have a big idea, it may expose a big gap in knowledge. Fill it!
O Operate. Ideas are great, but without execution, they're just dreams.
R Return the favor. Remember, that person who needed help before ... was you.
E Enjoy yourself. Otherwise, what’s the point?
R Reflect and recommit. Your professional life life is a journey, not a destination. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't pause and check your map.
Don’t think you need to have it all figured out on Day 1. You're on a journey, not trying to arrive at a destination. It’s better to move forward through the EXPLORER stages, even if they’re not perfect, and learn as you go.
Pro Guide Tip
On your first hike, don’t try to scale the North Face of Everest! Plan out a month’s worth of progress and a day of reflection. Next time, try something more rigorous - perhaps three months. You’ll feel more prepared for the big climb if you’ve practiced first!