Building Your Personalized 90-Day Transition Plan
Key Takeaways:
Now it's time to build your transition plan. It's going to vary based on your situation:
- Still employed version
- Just let go version
- Reboot version
The biggest issue: This is going to be a lot of work. We’re giving you the template, but there is no substitute for grit here. Your “reasons” for not beginning might be:
- I don’t have time “right now”
- My employer made me busy
- My kids got sick
- I got sick
These “reasons” may be valid, but they cannot stop you. Or…”I” don’t need to do “this” step - is that true, or are you simply uncomfortable? People often feel this way about networking. We’ll talk about some strategies in the “building your marketing plan” section.
It's Your Turn:
Are you planning to start your business full-time? Great! Use this PDF or Word document.
It's Your Turn:
Are you planning to start your business part-time? Great! Use this PDF or Word document.
It's Your Turn:
Are you planning to reboot your existing consulting business? Great! Use this PDF or Word document.